Friday, December 28, 2012

Desert survival

Surviving the desert.

Scenario: You and two friends are travelling to Las Vegas in a truck. All three of you work as scientists at a research station in the Black Rock desert in Nevada. It is Fall, and the desert is very hot during the day, over 40 degrees c, but drops down to 0 degrees at night. You were driving along the only road from your research station to Las Vegas, when your truck suddenly broke down. You get out of the car, and discover that the truck has a broken fuel pipe and you have no more gas. The research station is a 3 day walk from your car at this point, and it is still 10 hours of driving to reach Las Vegas.
In your trunk you have a large list of supplies, but you and your friends can only take 4 items to survive the trek back to the research station. You and your group must choose the best 4 items to take with you.


1) Approximately how many kilometers is it from the car to the research station if it takes three days on foot?

2) What kind of food do you think is most important to eat when you are surviving in the desert?

3) Can you think of any possible ways to get water if you are walking in the desert?

4) Other than starvation, what are the biggest dangers in this situation?

5) What kind of skills do you need to survive in the wilderness?

6) What is the most difficult outdoor activity you have ever done?

7) If you do not have a map or compass, what tricks can you use to tell direction?

8) How long can someone survive without food? Without water?

Items in the trunk of the car:

Survival activity
Swiss army knife
Fresh fruit
A dozen eggs
A flashlight
A book of matches
A compass
A Nintendo DS
A change of clothes
Night vision goggles
50 chicken nuggets from mcdonalds, with dipping sauce
3 Litres of water
A tarp
Duct tape
2 litres of milk
Tooth brush
Skate board
Maple syrup
Fishing line and hook
1 chicken
Rabbits feet
Peanut butter
Tin foil
A drum of kerosene
A rifle with 3 bullets
A crossbow with 20 arrows
A lap dog
An iphone
Face cream
Thick wool sweater
Down jacket
A box of flares
A bottle of Tylenol
A single speed bike (if you take this item, you can only take one other item)
A GPS handset
A Guitar
Spare shoes

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